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Novel long-term survival DMG subtype published in Acta Neuropathologica

Roberts HJ*, Ji S*, Picca A, Sanson M, Garcia M, Snuderl M, Schüller U, Picart T, Ducray F, Green AL, Nakano Y, Sturm D, Abdullaev Z, Aldape K, Dang D, Kumar-Sinha C, Wu YM, Robinson D, Vo JN, Chinnaiyan AM, Cartaxo R, Upadhyaya SA, Mody R, Chiang J, Baker S, Solomon D, Venneti S, Pratt D, Waszak SM#, Koschmann C#. Clinical, genomic, and epigenomic analyses of H3K27M-mutant diffuse midline glioma long-term survivors reveal a distinct group of tumors with MAPK pathway alterations. Acta Neuropathologica (2023). doi:10.1007/s00401-023-02640-7. PDF

*first authors #corresponding authors

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